Anna’s Banana Bread

for morning carpool snack

2 cups whole wheat flour

3/4 cup brown sugar

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

3 very ripe bananas, mashed but not puréed

1/2 cup yogurt

2 eggs

6 tablespoons butter, melted

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

sparkling sugar

Pre-heat oven to 350 F.  Whisk dry ingredients together in a bowl.  Combine wet ingredients in a mixer.  With mixer on low, spoon dry mix into wet to combine, but don’t overbeat lest we glutenize the batter.  Pour into pans and sprinkle sparkling sugar on top.  Bake time depends on your pan, ceramic tea loaf probably around 45min, small paper half-loaf pans probably … 40min?  I can’t remember.  Toothpick in the center should be clean, etc etc.


  • because of the whole wheat flour the bread is a bit on the dry side, but more moist breads fall apart and get mashed all over the carseats. Could maybe bump up the yogurt if you want a moister bread.

  • all three girls like nuts, toasted walnuts chopped coarse are a good addition.

  • dried cranberries inside are nice too, although not all the girls like fruit bits in their bread


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